
Safari School

Micro Safari's unique learning platform completes the at-home safari experience and builds science, biology, and essential skills to empower explorers of every age. 

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Meet the Organisms

Mite 500x


  • SPECIES: Speedy mites, pearly mites, tan mites, clear mites, proboscis mites
  • SIZE: 350-750μm or .35-.75mm in length
  • RARITY: Common
  • PERSONALITY: Varies between types. Mostly social. Can be territorial.
Micro Safari Springtail Illustration


  • SPECIES: Grumpy springtail, long antennae springtail, snub antennae springtail
  • SIZE: ≈700μm or .70mm in length
  • RARITY: Common
  • PERSONALITY: Ranges from medium to highly social. Easily startled.
Micro Safari Annelid


  • SPECIESRed Wigglers, Micro-Annelids
  • SIZE: 15,000μm or 15mm in length
  • RARITY: Very Common
  • PERSONALITY: Highly social. Likes to cuddle.
  • FUN FACT: Find other species at the tail end of annelids eating their excrement.

Micro Safari Annelid Illustration


  • SPECIESButt-Spike Nematode, Mega Nematode, Motherly Nematode
  • SIZE: 200μm or .2mm in length
  • RARITY: Common
  • PERSONALITY: Mysterious
  • FUN FACT: Some species’ eggs hatch inside the mother and eat their way out.

Micro Safari Fungi


  • SIZE: 10μm or .1mm filament diameter
  • RARITY: Common
  • PERSONALITY: Quiet and brooding
  • FUN FACT: Fungi play a critical role in decomposition in soils.


Micro Organisms - they're just like us. Micro Safari inhabitants love food, water, and cozy spots. Locate food, water, and other organisms to find more organisms!



 ANNELID: Any of a phylum (Annelida) usually elongated segmented coelomate invertebrates (such as earthworms and leeches).

ECOSYSTEM: The complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit.

FUNGUS: Any of the kingdom (Fungi) of saprophytic and parasitic spore-producing eukaryotic typically filamentous organisms formerly classified as plants that lack chlorophyll and include molds, rusts, mildews, smuts, mushrooms, and yeast.

MICRO: Very small.

MITE: Any of numerous small arachnids.

ORGANISM: A complex structure of interdependent and subordinate elements whose relations and properties are largely determined by their function in the whole.

NEMATODE: Any of the phylum (Nematode or Nemata) of elongated cylindrical worms parasitic in animals or plants or free-living in soil or water. Called also roundworm.

SAFARI: A journey or expedition. Originally the caravan and equipment of a hunting expedition especially in eastern Africa.

SPRINGTAIL: Any of of an order (Collembola) of small primitive wingless arthropods that are either classified as insects or are placed in a related class (Entognatha), that have internal mouthparts enclosed in folds of the head, usually possess a furcula used for jumping, exhibit incomplete metamorphosis, feed especially on fungi and decaying vegetation, and are typically found in moist or wet surrounding (such as soil, on the surface of water or melting snow, or in caves). Called also collembolan.

SOIL: The upper layer of earth that may be dug or plowed and in which plants grow.

Definitions pulled from merriam-webster.com.




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